2020 – ImpactHK

Fundraising Status



Amount Raised:


About ImpackHK

ImpactHK has been selected as the 2020 project for Women in Travel Retail to support. ImpactHK was nominated by Erin Lillis of Lacoste.

ImpactHK supports homeless women in Hong Kong where females on the streets, as in many other cities, are particularly vulnerable and susceptible to abuse and attack. The €15,000 that WiTR aims to raise this year will contribute towards creating an emergency shelter where women can be housed in a safe place until more permanent housing can be found.

Erin is thrilled that you have voted for ImpactHK as the WiTR charity for 2020. She comments:

“The money raised by our wonderful peers in this exceptional industry will go directly to change the lives of women and children in need and ensure that they have a safe and bright future. I will personally follow the project closely and update everyone, and anyone visiting HK for work or pleasure is more than welcome to see for themselves the fantastic work that ImpactHK are doing.”

Jeff Rotmeyer, Founder of ImpactHK said:

“On behalf of ImpactHK, thank you so much for supporting us and the homeless in Hong Kong this year! Your support will go directly towards saving lives and ensuring that dozens of homeless females are given a safe place off the streets and an opportunity for a healthy and happy future. All homeless individuals that we house are given a holistic programme focused on as much connection and fun as possible. We truly cannot thank you enough for this support and we cannot wait to work with you in saving more lives of our city’s most vulnerable.”